The Elementary School at International American School (IAS) is a vibrant and diverse learning community, where young students embark on a journey of discovery and growth. The school is designed to cater to students aged 6 to 12 and offers two distinct levels: Lower Elementary (1st to 3rd grade) and Upper Elementary (4th to 6th grade).



Lower Elementary students are housed in the “small school” building on ul. Dembego 12 and are exposed to a range of subjects, including English, Math, Science, Social Studies, History, Geography, and German. The focus is on inquiry-based, hands-on learning, where students are encouraged to think critically and become engaged learners. Teachers come to the homeroom classroom to deliver lessons and facilitate hands-on experiences that help students to understand the world around them.



The Upper Elementary students are located in the main building at ul. Dembego 18, where they take on new challenges and continue their journey of discovery. With access to the school’s ICT Computer Lab, art center, and science laboratory, students are able to engage in hands-on learning experiences that help them to develop their skills and understanding. Students are also supported by the student council and taught by a team of subject-specific teachers who are experts in their respective fields.



Throughout the year, students in the Elementary School have the opportunity to express themselves in unique and creative ways through projects, performances, presentations, and competitions. The school community encourages students to embrace their individuality and cultural heritage, fostering a sense of acceptance and tolerance that permeates everything they do.



International American School (IAS) is a diverse, international community, with over 40 nationalities represented in the school. Students come from a wide range of backgrounds, including families of diplomats, multinational businesses, and local families. The teaching staff is equally diverse, with a variety of cultural backgrounds represented, including American, Indian, Canadian, and British, among others. The small class sizes and student-teacher ratio of 7:1 provide an intimate and positive learning environment, where teachers can focus on the specific needs of each individual student and effectively differentiate lessons to challenge all learners.


Ages in grades for reference:


  • FIRST GRADE: 6-7
  • THIRD GRADE: 9-10
  • FOURTH GRADE: 9-10
  • FIFTH GRADE: 10-11
  • SIXTH GRADE: 11-12



Classroom Placement:


  • Depends on age at enrollment time and other factors such as:
    • language skills
    • special needs
    • academic background and abilities


Core Curriculum:

  • Combines best practices from Polish, American, and International education systems


Core Subjects:

  • English Language
  • Math
  • Sciences (physics, biology, chemistry)
  • Social Studies (history and geography)
  • Second languages (PSL, German, French)
  • Polish
  • Music
  • Art
  • Information and Computer Technology
  • Physical Education
  • Swimming
  • Tennis




IAS offers after-school clubs, led by teachers with personal interests and expertise, to give students a chance to get to know peers and teachers from other classes while exploring an extracurricular activity.

  • After-school opportunities to get to know teachers and classmates better
  • Each teacher leads a club based on personal interests and expertise
  • Offering changes yearly based on interest and availability
  • Examples: dance, robotics, games, music, football, video production


Academic Celebrations:


Academic celebrations are regular events at IAS, where the curriculum is put on display through friendly competitions and shows.

  • Examples: Egg Drop competition, Kangur Math Competition, Earth Day cleanup projects
  • Shows off what classes have learned and appreciation for schoolmates’ work


Field Trips:


Field trips and excursions are part of IAS’s curriculum, making the community a part of the classroom.

  • Designed to make community part of the classroom
  • Relevant and useful topics introduced in each grade
  • Workshops in museums, theaters, gardens, and parks
  • Engages students in traditional musical and artistic pursuits


In-School Student Workshops:

In-school workshops led by community members enrich the elementary school program. These workshops offer diverse cultural experiences and allow students to learn from experts in various fields, engage in the arts, and explore their values.

  • Community members come into the school
  • Students learn from experts in various fields
  • Workshops led by local specialists as often as possible
  • Engages students in the arts, allows exploration of values
  • Examples: musicians, ambassadors, dance troupes, storytellers, martial artists, dramatists


Special Events:

IAS celebrates both Polish and international holidays with equal importance, giving students the opportunity to celebrate and explore different themes.

  • Both Polish and international holidays celebrated in style
  • Intellectual development and academic celebrations given equal weight
  • Examples: Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Carnival
  • Opportunities for celebration and exploration in every grade level
  • International Day Celebration at end of year, with performances by all homerooms.


Official newspaper of the International American School

The IAS Times is the official student newspaper of the International American School of Warsaw.

See the magazine