More indepth and most current IAS Policies are available to IAS parents and students with a passcode. Please ask our Office to provide you the login details.



All students attending International American School have the right to:


  • Be physically safe
  • Feel safe and respected
  • Learn


Each of these rights must be respected and upheld by all members of the school community.



Expectations for conduct in classroom:


  1. Be prepared and on time
  2. Ensure all food, drink, phones and anything else that may cause a disruption is put away
  3. Follow the instructions of your teacher
  4. Do not talk when someone else is talking
  5. Complete all work to the best of your ability


All teachers are encouraged to follow the behavior management flow chart as a guide for handling disruptions and off-task behavior during lesson times. Certain behaviors, both in and outside of the classroom will progress to a Stage Two Sanction i.e. a centrally administered school detention. These behaviors include:


  • Severe disruption in class 1 day
  • Over ten minutes late to lesson 1 day detention and campus lockdown 5 days
  • Endangering health and safety of self or others 3 days and BIP (Behavior Improvement Plan)
  • Use of violence 3 days and BIP


Teacher administered Stage One Sanctions can include:


  • The giving of assignments (for completion in student’s own time)
  • Letters of apology
  • Short break time detentions
  • Removal of a privilege


These must be administered in accordance to the behavior management flow chart above, or if a student is late to the class up to ten minutes without good reason i.e. note from parents, call to office etc. Any student that fails to complete a Stage One Sanction will progress to a Stage Two Sanction.



The behavior of all students during school time should set a good example for others. To ensure this students must:


  1. Be respectful to others
  2. Move around school in a sensible manner
  3. Respect school property
  4. Dress appropriately
  5. Leave places as found


Students found doing the following will be asked to come to centrally administered detentions:


  • Cutting class: 3 days and attendance report
  • Intolerant language: 3 days and BIP
  • Cutting school: meeting with parents and BIP
  • Fighting: 5 days and BIP
  • Smoking: 5 days and campus lockdown
  • Use of illegal substances: administrative meeting with parents and possible expulsion
  • Internet abuse: 3 days and BIP
  • Cheating: 3 days and BIP



If a student is given a detention, the teacher will write the student’s name in the detention log. Communication will be made with home at this stage. A detention given on one day must take place the next day e.g. if a detention is given due to poor conduct on Monday morning, this will take place on Tuesday lunchtime.

The list of students on detention will be placed on the staffroom notice board each morning. Teachers teaching classes before lunch will accompany any students with detentions to the lunch room. Any student who refuses to do so will be referred directly to a member of the administration.

For grades 4-8 detentions will take place between 12:00-12.35 and possible during club times. A task which will be agreed upon with the parents will be provided to students during detention times.

For grades 9-12 detention will be between 12:00-12:35 and after school for 45 minutes.



Students having been referred to the administration or with 3 detentions will have a meeting with a member of the administration to set up the three goals for the BIP.

A list of students with a BIP will be mailed to all teachers and placed on the notice board in the staffroom.

Any student with a BIP must put this document on the teacher’s desk at the beginning of the lesson.

The BIP must be filled in and signed by each teacher the student has that day.

Students on a BIP will report to the member of the administration they have been assigned to at the end of the day. Failure to keep to the goals set on the BIP, to give the BIP to each teacher or to bring the BIP to the administration at the end of the day, will result in sanctions discussed with the student in the initial meeting.



Failure of student to follow the BIP or accumulation of more than two BIPs will result in a one day in-school suspension and a letter home to parents. Further issues may result in a one day out of school suspension.



“Every Day Counts”

“90% of success is showing up.”



The International American School recognizes that consistent school attendance, academic success, and school completion are all connected. Students learn best when they attend school every day. When students miss school, they miss important lessons and essential skills they need for academic success.

The target for student attendance should be 100%. At International American School we set a minimum limit of 90% attendance as being a condition of graduation. Students falling to meet this requirement who have not entered into a Special Circumstances Agreement with the Administration, will get a failing grade for behavior and will not be able to graduate the year.



For certain students it has to be accepted that for various psychological, social, family and personal issues meeting the 90% attendance requirement will not be possible. For these students the Administration will prepare a Special Circumstances Agreement (SCA). The SCA will have to be supported by evidence relevant to the circumstances. The SCA will set down conditions that the student will have to fulfill to graduate the year e.g. self study work will be provided by teachers.



When problems have been highlighted, teaching staff will do all they can do to help the student improve his/her attendance. An agreement will be written in consultation with the student, the student’s parents, homeroom teacher and administration (This may be an SCA depending on the circumstances). Teaching staff will be made aware of these problems and the help of the school psychologist will be sought. The parents of any such student will be contacted by telephone by the homeroom teacher at least once a week to review the progress of the student.



Homeroom/subject teachers should keep records of attendance in the school daybooks. In the event of a pupil absence a record should be made as to whether the absence has been excused or not. The notation for daybooks being:


Role of Homeroom Teacher


  • Every morning homeroom teachers check that the daybook has been fully filled out. Any missing information or discrepancies in attendance must be brought to the attention of administration by the end of the day.
  • Homeroom teachers collect excused notes from students and mark the daybooks in advance. They must also maintain records of the number of absences excused or unexcused in the daybook
  • Any notes from parents should be filled in the back of the daybook


Procedures for parents


Parents should note that absences must be excused i.e. communication must be made between the parent and the school before the child is due to be absent or in the case of sickness on the morning of the first absence. Communication can be made:


  • Telephone +4822649 14 42
  • Email directly to the homeroom teacher, or to
  • By signed written note (to homeroom teacher)


Procedures for administrative staff


As soon as an administrator is informed of an absence he/she will forward this information to the homeroom teacher



Teachers at IAS grade their classes according to their specific class rubric and syllabus. The final percentage and grades for 4th-12th grades are as follows:







6 – Outstanding



5 – Excellent



4.5 – Well-Above Average



4 – Above Average



3.5 – Slightly Above Average



3 – Average



2 – Below Average



1 – Failure



Official newspaper of the International American School

The IAS Times is the official student newspaper of the International American School of Warsaw.

See the magazine