IAS Bulletin April 1 – 5, 2024
Events |
Monday (01/04/2024)
Tuesday (02/04/2024)
Wednesday (03/04/2024)
Thursday (04/04/2024)
Friday (05/04/2024)
A short note about this week and lessons after Easter
The school will be closed from March 28 – April 2. All lessons will resume on April 3. Mid-semester 2 reports will be published on April 4 around 15:00. The school will close at 12:30 on April 5 to facilitate the online Parent-Teacher (PT) meetings.
Culture Day at D18 – April 12
Our Grade 12 students are reviving an old IAS tradition by arranging a mini-culture day at D18 on Friday, April 12th. Participating students will arrange their stalls showcasing national food, cultural items etc. in the school cafeteria and other students will have the opportunity to visit the event with minimal disruption to scheduled lessons. If there are any students that would still like to participate, please contact nguyen.monika@ias.edu.pl on Teams.
Egg day activities
Dembego 12
D12 students experienced an egg-citing range of games and activities that were organised by D12 teachers and managed by Ms. Beata. It was lots of fun for all involved!
Dembego 18
Our House leaders Mr Przemek, Mr. Rafal, Mr. Kyle, Mr. Karl and Mr. Chris Uden, along with our student body leaders Bruno and Marta led the planning for this year’s activities. There was an egg-cellent variety of fun and competive games available for all involved. Activities included Egg drop, Egg throw, games of perception, character creation and much more!
Class schedule:
As always you can view the class schedule by following the instructions below
Link: schedule.ias.edu.pl
No password required – just click ‘timetable’
Grade 11 and 12 students may view their individual schedule here also.
Upcoming dates to note
April 04: Mid-semester 2 reports published
April 05: Mid-semester 2 PT meetings. School closes at 12:30. PT meetings online from 13:00 – 16:00
May 1 – 3: May break, school closed
May 30 –31: School closed for Corpus Christi
June 21: School closing ceremony at Polin. Certificates are distributed on and after this date.
Please Update your information:
Dear parents & students, if you have changed your address, e-mail address or telephone numbers, please let the office know so that we can update our database to improve communication with you.
Thank you,
IAS Administration