
Newsletter December 18- December 22, 2023

Mehdi Rizvi

Newsletter December 18- December 22, 2023

IAS Bulletin December 18 – 22, 2023 

Monday (18/12/2023) 

  • Dembego 12, 15:10 – 16:00: D12 Staff Meeting  


Tuesday (19/12/2023) 

  • 16:00 – 17:30: High school football training

Wednesday (20/12/2023) 

  • Dembego 18, 08:40 – 12:00: Lessons cancelled for homeroom potluck Christmas parties 
  • Dembego 18 courtyard, 10:00 – 10:30: Christmas carols and hot chocolate 
  • Dembego 12&18, 12:30 – 16:00: School closed and Swietlica cancelled 

Thursday (21/12/2023) 

  • School closed

Friday (22/12/2023)  

  • School closed 


We are now into the last school week of 2023. Although it is traditionally a quiet week this year it is also the end of Semester 1 (S1) and a time to complete any final retakes and extra credit tasks.  

 The Christmas vacation has been extended to include January 2nd. This adjustment has been made based on feedback from the school community and falls within the discretionary number of holidays that the school director can allocate during the school year. 

 Christmas vacation now begins at 12:00 on Wednesday, December 20 and finishes on Tuesday, January 2nd. 

 Christmas carols and hot chocolate 

Mr. Richard Edmunds could also be called Mr. Christmas for his obvious love of all things Christmas. Mr. Edmunds has invited all teachers to give a little holiday spirit back to the students by singing Christmas carols on the last day of school in the D18 courtyard. A round of hot chocolate will be distributed to all involved to help keep warm.  

 D12 and D18 Holiday shows 


All the action last week was at Dom Sztuki between the rehearsals and the shows from D12 and D18 students. Mr. Mehdi has recorded both shows and will release them on youtube at a later date. We will also have many more photos from the photographer but for now, I can present you the cast for each show below. 


A big thank you to Alesia Ramuk and Małgorzata Sypniewska for leading the D12 show preparation and Izabela Mieszczańska and Przemysław Zieliński for leading the D18 show preparation.  


D18 November Learner of the Month – Open minded 


(G5) Juliana El Houssari 

Julianna is a polite and respectful student. When receiving feedback on her classwork or projects, she maintains a positive demeanor even if the suggestions push her out of her comfort zone.  

(G6) Zhdan Perepechenko 

Zhdan is a positive and well-mannered student. He is open to all forms of feedback and shows a willingness to work with any student in his class without complaint. 

(G7) Yu Ling (Kamila) 

The risk taker in Kamila is supported by her open-mindedness. She is always willing to try new approaches from her own imagination but is equally receptive of feedback from her teachers and her peers on how to improve further. She is perceptive and supportive of her classmates during lessons. 

(G8) Paul Balakrishnan 

Paul is a calm and deteremined student. He is always open to feedback on his work and often requests additional feedback from teachers and his peers as a project develops. He is focused on his own personal growth and is open to any feedback that will support this. 

 G9 Sofia Zharilkanova: Sofia is someone who is very accepting of everyone. This openness to others allows her to collaborate well with any classmate. For independent tasks, Sofia constantly adapts and modifies her work while being focused on the outcome. Her receptiveness allows her to create better work. 

G10 Stellina El Houssari: Stellina is a sharp, thoughtful student who appreciates the cultural backgrounds and traditions of others. A truly kind individual, Stellina does more than “tolerate” differing views, but demonstrates genuine respect. She readily considers differing views and perspectives, both in the classroom and in everyday life.  

G11 Emmalie Winzeler: While studying three languages in IB, Emma earnestly welcomes new perspectives as she learns more about each language and culture. She often asks reflective questions during her lessons and is receptive to new input and feedback. 

G12 Nikolaos Diamantis: Nick will often bring fresh ideas to his lessons, many of which may be wildly different from his peers. While not afraid to commit to a stance he truly believes in, Nick actively listens during debates and is willing to adapt his viewpoints to address new information. 


Upcoming events and holidays to note: 

December 20, 12:30 – 16:00: Classes and swietlica cancelled after 12:30. 

December 20: End of Semester 1 

December 21 – January 2: School closed for Christmas holidays 

January 09: S1 reports published 

January 10, 13:30 – 17:00: School closed for S1 PT meetings 

January 15 – 26: School closed for winter holidays  


Class schedule: 

As always you can view the class schedule by following the instructions below 


No password required – just click ‘timetable’ 


Grade 11 and 12 students may view their individual schedule here also. 


Please Update your information:  

Dear parents & students, if you have changed your address, e-mail address or telephone numbers, please let the office know so that we can update our database to improve communication with you.  


Thank you,
IAS Administration 



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