IAS Bulletin May 29 – June 2, 2023
Events |
Monday (29/05/2023)
Tuesday (30/05/2023)
Wednesday (31/05/2023)
Thursday (01/06/2023)
Friday (02/06/2023)
D18 Yearbook Photo Retakes
The yearbook photographer will be visiting Dembego 18 this Friday, June 2, to take photos of any teacher or student from grades 5-12 who missed the originally scheduled photo sessions.
Again, we kindly ask that these remaining students come to school prepared to have their photo taken on this day.
If you have any questions related to the yearbook or the school photos, please contact us at secretary@ias.edu.pl
End of year procedures and key dates
Closing ceremony
Firstly, the administration would like to formally announce that this year’s closing ceremony will take place at the Polin Conference Centre from 10:00 – 12:30 on June 22. The IAS closing ceremony has evolved over the lifetime of the school and is now a promotion ceremony for all students from Pre-kg – Grade 11 and is the High School graduation ceremony for our seniors. We will also mingle as a community at the international food festival after the graduation ceremony.
Please note that there is a short period between the completion of grading and the preparation of promotion certificates and transcripts. Documents will only be distributed at the closing ceremony or after for students in Pre-kg – Grade 11. There are different arrangements for Grade 12.
Pre-kg – 5th Grade
These students will have regular classes right up until June 21
6th – 10th Grade
From May 29th – June 7th students will take formal final exams in all regular subjects. In general, the exams will follow this structure:
- 08:30 – 09:30: Exam review time supervised by homeroom teachers
- 09:30 – 11:30: Morning exam session supervised by the subject teacher. Most exams are 90 minutes or less but students will remain in class throughout this time. Students cannot be excused by parents to leave early. To do so would negatively impact the atmosphere in the exam room
- 11:30 – 12:45: Extended lunch break Students must return to the exam room a minimum of 15 minutes before the exam
- 13:00 – 15:00: Afternoon exam session supervised by the subject teacher. Most exams are 90 minutes or less but students will remain in class throughout this time. Students cannot be excused by parents to leave early. To do so would negatively impact the atmosphere in the exam room.
- In some cases, additional review sessions have been added for logistical reasons and/or to spread out the exams. During this time, students will have supervised study time.
The final transcript breakdown is semester 1 (40%), semester 2 (40%), Final exam (20%). Students must pass the final exam. The detailed schedule for the exams can be viewed here.
11th Grade
After further consultation with teachers and students, most of the final exams for most subjects have been cancelled. There will only be exams in Group 4 (Science) and Group 5 (Mathematics) subjects. All other subjects will be assessed qualitatively by the teacher and will reflect where your teacher considers you are at and the predicted grade indicators per subject
11th Grade final exams have been postponed to May 29th – June 7th.
The final transcript breakdown is semester 1 (40%), semester 2 (40%), Final exam (20%). Students must pass the final exam. The detailed schedule for the exams can be viewed here.
12th Grade
IB and HSDP exams have now ended. The Graduation Prom has been scheduled for June 2nd at 19:00. Tickets are 400 PLN and can be purchased by graduating students at the school office.
On June 22nd we will formally celebrate the graduation of the Class of 2023 in cap and gown.
Important upcoming dates
29th May – 7th June: Grades 6-11 Finals
8th – 9th June: Corpus Christi holiday (School closed)
22nd June: Closing ceremony
Please Update your information:
Dear parents & students, if you have changed your address, e-mail address or telephone numbers, please let the office know so that we can update our database to improve communication with you.
Thank you,
IAS Administration