IAS Bulletin October 16 – 20, 2023
Events |
Monday (16/10/2023)
Tuesday (17/10/2023)
Wednesday (18/10/2023)
Thursday (19/10/2023)
Friday (20/10/2023) |
Teacher’s Day gratitude
For this year’s Teacher’s Day and 250th anniversary of the establishment of the Ministry of education in Poland, D18 students created a gratitude wall. Our teachers really appreciated it with many taking some of the personalized notes home! Check out some of the photos below. Also, a big thank you to our new Art teacher Mr. Richard Edmunds for organizing this opportunity.
IAS Football Team
The IAS football team has been training hard with Mr. Alejandro throughout last year and again this year. Their first practice match of the year against Akademeia High School was a close fought match. Unfortunately, our team was defeated 6 – 4 on this occasion but they are clearly making huge progress under Mr. Alejandro’s management.
Key dates to note:
Tuesday, October 24: Mid-semester 1 narrative reports for all IAS students will be published around 16:00.
Wednesday, October 25, 14:00 – 17:00: Online Parent Teacher meetings
November 1: School closed – All Saints Day and public holiday
November 2nd and 3rd: School will be closed.
November 22nd, 12:30 – 16:00: Fall Teacher Professional Development session. classes and swietlica cancelled after 12:30.
November 23 – 24: School closed for Thanksgiving holiday
December 20, 12:30 – 16:00: Classes and swietlica cancelled after 12:30.
December 21 – January 1: School closed for Christmas holidays
Updated class schedule:
There are more changes to the schedule for the upcoming week. Ms. Winzeler will post an announcement to Teams when the changes go live. You can access the schedule using the credentials below.
Link: schedule.ias.edu.pl
No password required – just click ‘timetable’
If you have trouble seeing the updated version, click on “Regular Timetable” in the upper right corner, and select version “v1.1.15_Oct9”.
Please Update your information:
Dear parents & students, if you have changed your address, e-mail address or telephone numbers, please let the office know so that we can update our database to improve communication with you.
Thank you,
IAS Administration